Setting the stage for unforgettable memories...

Welcome to eNVy Event Management, a Northern Nevada Event Company, planning and producing events for over two decades.

Centrally located in Carson City, Nevada, eNVy Event Management has the luxury of being able to execute events from all over Reno, to both sides of Lake Tahoe, and the surrounding cities of the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains.  Coming soon…Las Vegas!

Whether it be a wedding for 30 to 300, or a fun-themed, evening soiree, we can take care of it all.

From consulting and coordinating, set up and tear down, to casting all the vendors and banquet staff, eNVy Event Management will be your one stop shop, so YOU can enjoy your affair.  Let US do all the work!






Serving Carson City, Carson Valley, Reno, Lake Tahoe, both Nevada and California

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